The beautiful thing about social media is the ability to discover emerging artists at our own leisure. We are no longer confined to what mainstream outlets feed to us; we have the power to find incredible creatives from all parts and crevices - all with a few swipes of a finger.

That’s exactly how we found Kae, “that pretty photographer” from Houston, Texas.

While leisurely swiping through Tik Tok, we came across the artist known professionally as urlocalkae. Her creativity is bold and electrifying. It’s not surprising to see that there are over twenty thousand other people who felt the same will to follow her journey as well.

Photographers like Kae are truly distinct in their craft. From intricate Barbie DreamHouse birthday shoots to portraits that illuminate the richness of brown hues, it’s evident that she pours herself into every project and isn’t afraid to push the envelope of convention. In fact, that may be where she thrives. 

We couldn’t pass up the opportunity to reach out and learn about her story; and cannot thank her enough for using our platform to share her heart with us. With each answer, it’s evident that she intentionally shares her wisdom and past experiences to shed light on the importance of entrepreneurship and being sure of yourself in the photography industry.

TW: self-harm

What’s your story? How’d you get your start? 

Photography has always been my lifeline. It is the reason I am still here today. I know it may sound silly but it's true. I had planned on "ending things" at the end of December of 2020. I suffer from depression and was prone to attempting. I had made a decision that I was going to try out one more thing that I had always wanted to do before following out my plan. January 2021, I quit my job and started my business. This is where photography saved my life and it is something that I will never stop doing. On a light hearted note, the seed had got planted when I was little. Around 4-5 years old my family used to have those old Panasonic camcorders. You know the ones that you could take the VHS out? My sister and I used to pretend to be news anchors and record ourselves at a table as if we were really giving out news for the world. I also used it to do vlogs before I even knew vlogs were a thing. My mom then got me one of those Canon Powershot cameras and from there I knew that this was something I just wanted to keep doing. I learned the basics of photography in high school. I took a very long break and went to the military. Later, I made that decision that I mentioned earlier in January 2021. That is my story. 

You really know how to take your work to new heights with divergent edits and creative concepts. What led you to incorporate creative twists into what would otherwise be considered simple shoots?

Creative edits or graphics were honestly an accident. While I was studying how to become a good retoucher, I used to explore Adobe Photoshop to see what different functions did. I just so happen to teach myself different graphics. The 22 fire image that I did has probably been my best creative edit yet. Plus, I have a pretty extra personality and love when my clients come to me with challenges and are just as extra as me.

A lot of your work exemplifies the beauty of black women; was this something that was intentional when first pursuing photography? Is this something that’s intentional now?

In the beginning, it was not completely intentional. I wanted to be able to photograph all types of women when I started. However, I also kept in mind that black people were difficult for a lot of photographers to capture. That's where I intentionally wanted to make sure I was capable of doing so. I started out with practicing with black women and throughout time it just became easier and it was what I was most comfortable with. I want to always shoot black women but I do eventually want all women of any race to be able to shoot with me. 

With almost 20k followers on TikTok and about 10k on Instagram, could you explain how social media impacts your growth as a creative?

Social media has a great impact on my growth as a creative. Social media is the home of creatives. I love seeing other creator's work. One thing about social media for me is that I see it as a network of ideas that I can explore that are outside of what I see locally. I will be influenced by two different ideas and create my own. It's like when a chef goes to study how another country cooks so they can combine both methods to make a masterpiece of a dish. Also, not only as a creative but it has an impact on my business as well. It's mainly where my clients come from of course. The bigger my business gets, the higher I hold myself as a creator. 

What’s something that you wish you knew before delving into your budding career?

Man, I wish I knew the business aspects of my career. Especially about contracts and dealing with bigger clients. I have a desire to do everything right just so I can say I made it this far on my own with no shortcuts. Contracts are business life savers. They protect not only you and your business but your client as well. I hold myself to a standard just as I hold my clients. As for the bigger clients, they know more about the industry than I would know since I am still new. The last thing I would want is to be taken advantage of. 

As a traveling photographer, do you ever run into any “bumps in the road” with scheduling? If so, what are the steps you take to minimize lateness, booking studios, etc.?

I actually do not run into much trouble. I do not go to two different cities in one day unless it is just absolutely needed. Usually if a Houston client books a day, I only allow Houston clients to book for that day. As if it's first come first served. The only major problem that I encounter is when I make a drive or trip to a certain city and the photoshoot ends up being cancelled. As far as studios, I do my research beforehand on which studios I want to go to in a particular city, so that way I do not have to actively look for one once a client books with me. 

Talk us through the experience of working with Houston artist Monaleo? Do you see yourself working with more celebrities in the future? 

Listen, I love me some Monaleo! I was a fan before I worked with her and still a fan to this day. I was very nervous and anxious when I was in the studio with her. I will never forget, Monaleo gave me a hug and appreciated me for being there. She then asked if I wanted some chicken and that's when I knew I just needed to relax and give her the best experience possible. She was very down to earth and it definitely made my anxiety ease up. I do see myself working with more celebrities in future. In due time, they will come. In the future though, I do know to leave the anxiety at the door next time to really show that I am confident in what I do. 

What’s next for urlocalkae?

What's next? I plan on becoming a better creative director. I do not want to speak too much on what you guys will expect out of me, this is just something you guys will have to see!

Words you live by?

"Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it will last forever." - Lance Armstrong

This may not completely resonate with photography but it's something I live by everyday.  Never give up. As far as photography, ideas have a shelf life. Act on it before it expires.

We cannot thank Kae enough for her gracious and forthright conversation! Keep Applying Press-URE, girl!

For more of urlocalkae, you can find her socials below.

Instagram: @urlocalkae

TikTok: @localkae

Website: urlocalkae.com


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